Posted on 2/22/2009 10:42:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under , ,
How disheartening it was to receive this article showing that a recent Harris Poll shows more Americans list Obama as their hero than Jesus. Perhaps this provides an interesting glimpse into the true problems that are infecting this country.

You hear the jokes about Obama being so many people's savior. Heck, he got that woman in Florida a house and another guy a new job – all he had to do was speak it into existence. But all kidding aside, this is a sad, sad commentary on the state of our union and at least to this blogger, speaks volumes as to the real problem inflicting our society.

Whether the ACLU, liberals or anyone else, wants to admit it, this country was founded on Christian principles. Those principles made this country the envy of all other nations and empires that came before. Now, we've decided to take God out of everything we do, for fear it may offend someone, and look at what we are left with.

When you take your eyes away from the one who can solve all problems, and look to a man, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I only hope this nation gets its priorities straight before it is too late.

You can read a great article on this subject on the News Busters blog.

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