Posted on 2/03/2009 10:41:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under , , , ,
It is only my first blog post and my headline writer (me) already needs a raise. Can’t beat that for a first day.

Not a week has passed since the latest holier-than-thou rant over the TARP-funded bonuses going to Wall Street Execs, Obama showed the world how to party with taxpayer money -- AIG style. Michelle, fire up the grill, we have us some company coming over.

Fresh off his $150M coronation, King Barack saw he had no support from Republicans for his pork-laden “stimulus” bill. So he did as any American would and held himself a little BBQ dinner party. You think they served burgers? Heck no, taxpayers were footing the bill for this shindog, so they splurged (oddly enough, not on pork though -- guess it wasn't a theme party). Along with the usual highfalutin hours dourves, they grilled up some Waygu steaks.

Never heard of Waygu beef? Join the crowd. I actually learned of it on Iron Chef – it is a rare, and expensive form of Kobe beef. A single 16 ounce steak often costs in the neighborhood of $120. At that price, the guests best have hit the heights of ecstasy on every bite. To top off party, vodka tonics, the choice of drink of our new king, were also served.

Dear Wall Street, how dare you spend taxpayer money on…umm….hmmm….excuse…me….I was choking on my $35 bite of steak.

And so it goes in our Union. Just think, for the price of a single steak, he could have kept his promise to this woman to pay for her gas….

Until we meet again.
Response to ... Do as I say and not as Waygu
Anonymous said... February 11, 2009 at 3:58 PM

You gotta admit though, Kobe beef is pretty damn good.

Gotta get me some of that Waygu stuff though. I'll send you the bill...

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