Well, lookie here, it is the first picture of Shelly O with sleeves on in at least a month. In fact, she is a head scarf shy of wearing a burka. But that is not the point of my post. To understand this picture you must first know that Queen Obama is serving her loyal subjects (and we know their political tilt due to their locale) at a homeless shelter. But look closely at the picture, that is a homeless dude taking her picture with a phone…a Blackberry Pearl nonetheless. NICE. I sure “hope” that she spared him some “change” to pay for his $60+ monthly cell bill.
Looks like I need to dirty up and go begging tomorrow. I don’t have a Blackberry for personal use. But with King Obama, all I need to do is ask…
Posted on 3/06/2009 10:15:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
loan modification,
Making Home Affordable,
Looks like I need to dirty up and go begging tomorrow. I don’t have a Blackberry for personal use. But with King Obama, all I need to do is ask…

Well, you knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. Here comes King Barry after our guns. To heck with the 2nd Amendment, the King can't be bothered with trivial antiquated documents like the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.

Posted on 2/26/2009 10:34:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
gun ban,
molon labe,
second amendment
Well, you knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. Here comes King Barry after our guns. To heck with the 2nd Amendment, the King can't be bothered with trivial antiquated documents like the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.
The story goes like this – Barry had his anti-gun Activist General, Eric Holder, meet with reporters. During this meeting, he said he wants to ban assault weapons because it would stop the flow of guns going to Mexico, who is gripped with crime. Note to the Activist General – We need not legislate to appease Mexico. That country has been, is, and always will be a cesspool. Why are we always so concerned with the goings-on of Mexico? Here's an idea, how about they cut the crap with police and military corruption and do something with all the illegal drugs that flow into this country?
The best part of this though is that Nancy Pelosi refuses to take this matter up. Anyone that studies gun history knows why. Following the 1994 so-called assault weapons ban, the Dems were quickly swept out of office. Nancy doesn't want to touch this one with a 10-foot pole!
But, ok, excuse me while I climb up on my soapbox. Well, actually, let me defer to a man much smarter than I. Enjoy Alan Keyes expounding on the Second Amendment and lunacy of gun bans.
Anyone remember the commercials mocking John McCain's inability to send an email? It was a big deal, made even bigger when it was revealed that McCain cannot use a keyboard due to the lingering effects of torture he sustained while fighting for this country. Well it turns out pompous, elitist Barry picked him an equally technology-inept VP. The only difference is that Biden isn't nearly the Hero (and mind you I am not a McCain fan) that John McCain is.
Look at this Early Show clip from this morning. Biden is asked for the Web address of the newly crafted Recovery site (recovery.gov), and he immediately claims ignorance (no need to be overt, we all know, Joe), then looks off camera and asks for the WEBSITE NUMBERS.
Now, either Joe is new to this new-fangled Intraweb thing, or he is so tech savvy that he was going to skip the Web address, and give us the direct DNS link. In that case Joe, the numbers are: (You'll have to cut and paste, Blogger hates IPs). Or, Maybe he is super geeky and was going to give it to all the nerds in binary code. That is a slick idea Joe, slicker in fact than that sweet comb-back hair style you are rocking.
In closing, I like his other line of note: “I'm actually embarrassed.” We know Joe, we all are. You and your King are embarrassing us all.
Posted on 2/25/2009 10:59:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
Nobody Messes with Joe,
Website Numbers
Look at this Early Show clip from this morning. Biden is asked for the Web address of the newly crafted Recovery site (recovery.gov), and he immediately claims ignorance (no need to be overt, we all know, Joe), then looks off camera and asks for the WEBSITE NUMBERS.
Now, either Joe is new to this new-fangled Intraweb thing, or he is so tech savvy that he was going to skip the Web address, and give us the direct DNS link. In that case Joe, the numbers are: (You'll have to cut and paste, Blogger hates IPs). Or, Maybe he is super geeky and was going to give it to all the nerds in binary code. That is a slick idea Joe, slicker in fact than that sweet comb-back hair style you are rocking.
In closing, I like his other line of note: “I'm actually embarrassed.” We know Joe, we all are. You and your King are embarrassing us all.
We have, we have, we have. Anyone that watched today’s State of the Union, or whatever they are calling it, had to be annoyed by that phrase as it was used ad nauseum. Never have I ever seen so much accomplished in so little time. You know, like “We have crammed $2T worth of deficit spending down the throats of Americans,” or “We have rewarded those who do not pay their mortgages to the detriment of those who responsibly pay each month.”
But, let’s take a look at some of the gems from tonight’s performance:
* We learned that this speech is the black Friday of government. Members of Congress begin lining up in the Chambers early in the morning (7 a.m.) to get a seat along the aisle where the president walks in. Craziness. Glad they are doing the people’s business while in there. However, there is a bright side. While they are sitting there, they can’t spend any more of our money.
* Obama announced the pork-laden stimulus bill is saving 50+ police officers in Minneapolis. Great, I am getting to pay for police service that does not benefit me. Thanks, Barry.
* We learned nobody messes with Joe. I think he meant to say nobody listens to Joe. How can you though, he is so muffled by that foot that is perpetually stuck in his mouth.

* Nancy Pelosi is a fan of the Snuggie. She was rocking a beautiful lime green Snuggie tonight. I know because she popped up, clapping like an idiot, a million times. And what‘s with those faces? She had to be drunk.
* They kept shooting over to Tiny Tim (aka Timothy Geithner) in the crowd. Amazingly, he had a look of confusion on his face each time. And here we all thought that look was reserved for when he rolls out TARP guidelines.
* Obama mentioned the fact that he inherited a deficit, to which the Chamber’s left side erupted. Well, fast forward 20 minutes to where you have Jon Kyl – Republican WHIP in the Senate, on Fox with charts showing the deficit. Needless to say, his bar graph shows exponential growth in the last month. He also showed how Obama will reach his goal of cutting it in half by the natural ebbs and flows of repayment. No pork will need cut to achieve his “goal.” Props to Kyl for being prepared with strong talking points and visuals.
* The night wound down with a disappointing rebuttal by Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal. This was the first time I heard him speak, and he seemed awkward. If he is the future of the Republican Party, someone please get him some public speaking courses!
Posted on 2/24/2009 11:37:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
Bobby Jindal,
housing stimulus,
State of the Union,
But, let’s take a look at some of the gems from tonight’s performance:
* We learned that this speech is the black Friday of government. Members of Congress begin lining up in the Chambers early in the morning (7 a.m.) to get a seat along the aisle where the president walks in. Craziness. Glad they are doing the people’s business while in there. However, there is a bright side. While they are sitting there, they can’t spend any more of our money.
* Obama announced the pork-laden stimulus bill is saving 50+ police officers in Minneapolis. Great, I am getting to pay for police service that does not benefit me. Thanks, Barry.
* We learned nobody messes with Joe. I think he meant to say nobody listens to Joe. How can you though, he is so muffled by that foot that is perpetually stuck in his mouth.
* Nancy Pelosi is a fan of the Snuggie. She was rocking a beautiful lime green Snuggie tonight. I know because she popped up, clapping like an idiot, a million times. And what‘s with those faces? She had to be drunk.
* They kept shooting over to Tiny Tim (aka Timothy Geithner) in the crowd. Amazingly, he had a look of confusion on his face each time. And here we all thought that look was reserved for when he rolls out TARP guidelines.
* Obama mentioned the fact that he inherited a deficit, to which the Chamber’s left side erupted. Well, fast forward 20 minutes to where you have Jon Kyl – Republican WHIP in the Senate, on Fox with charts showing the deficit. Needless to say, his bar graph shows exponential growth in the last month. He also showed how Obama will reach his goal of cutting it in half by the natural ebbs and flows of repayment. No pork will need cut to achieve his “goal.” Props to Kyl for being prepared with strong talking points and visuals.
* The night wound down with a disappointing rebuttal by Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal. This was the first time I heard him speak, and he seemed awkward. If he is the future of the Republican Party, someone please get him some public speaking courses!
I think chasing Obama's citizenship down is not likely to be a fruitful effort (although I have seen some interesting articles on some irregularities on his birth documents), but Keyes' commentary on the handling of our economy is especially on point.
We can only hope to have such a rational conservative as President some day!
Posted on 2/22/2009 11:35:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
Alan Keyes,
birth certificate,
I make no bones about it, Alan Keyes would have made the PERFECT first black president of this nation. In the video below, Alan is making a lot of sense regarding the troubles that face our nation.I think chasing Obama's citizenship down is not likely to be a fruitful effort (although I have seen some interesting articles on some irregularities on his birth documents), but Keyes' commentary on the handling of our economy is especially on point.
We can only hope to have such a rational conservative as President some day!
How disheartening it was to receive this article showing that a recent Harris Poll shows more Americans list Obama as their hero than Jesus. Perhaps this provides an interesting glimpse into the true problems that are infecting this country.
You hear the jokes about Obama being so many people's savior. Heck, he got that woman in Florida a house and another guy a new job – all he had to do was speak it into existence. But all kidding aside, this is a sad, sad commentary on the state of our union and at least to this blogger, speaks volumes as to the real problem inflicting our society.
Whether the ACLU, liberals or anyone else, wants to admit it, this country was founded on Christian principles. Those principles made this country the envy of all other nations and empires that came before. Now, we've decided to take God out of everything we do, for fear it may offend someone, and look at what we are left with.
When you take your eyes away from the one who can solve all problems, and look to a man, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I only hope this nation gets its priorities straight before it is too late.
You can read a great article on this subject on the News Busters blog.
You hear the jokes about Obama being so many people's savior. Heck, he got that woman in Florida a house and another guy a new job – all he had to do was speak it into existence. But all kidding aside, this is a sad, sad commentary on the state of our union and at least to this blogger, speaks volumes as to the real problem inflicting our society.
Whether the ACLU, liberals or anyone else, wants to admit it, this country was founded on Christian principles. Those principles made this country the envy of all other nations and empires that came before. Now, we've decided to take God out of everything we do, for fear it may offend someone, and look at what we are left with.
When you take your eyes away from the one who can solve all problems, and look to a man, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I only hope this nation gets its priorities straight before it is too late.
You can read a great article on this subject on the News Busters blog.
Yesterday brought us the Rick Santelli rant and news of an AP Government class in Arizona that were less than enthusiastic about the direction of the country. Well, it seems people are beginning to reach their boiling point.
Today brings us some rather humorous photos from a protest that lined Obama's motorcade route in Arizona. A second similar protest is scheduled for tomorrow in Kansas, where he is again campaigning. You'd think with all that is going on that he'd spend more time at the White House. Then again, all he has done his entire political career is campaign, so maybe he is doing what he knows.

Then there is this. Lansing, Mich., mayor Virg Bernero (a Democrat) who went on Fox News and delivered this tirade on the double standard that exists – the chasm that separates main street and Wall Street. While I agree with his beliefs, Virg could have at least tried to make it look like he was answering the questions. And, come on, there has got to be a studio somewhere in Lansing. A skype connection for an interview? Low rent!
I'd expect more to come in the days and weeks ahead.
Today brings us some rather humorous photos from a protest that lined Obama's motorcade route in Arizona. A second similar protest is scheduled for tomorrow in Kansas, where he is again campaigning. You'd think with all that is going on that he'd spend more time at the White House. Then again, all he has done his entire political career is campaign, so maybe he is doing what he knows.
Then there is this. Lansing, Mich., mayor Virg Bernero (a Democrat) who went on Fox News and delivered this tirade on the double standard that exists – the chasm that separates main street and Wall Street. While I agree with his beliefs, Virg could have at least tried to make it look like he was answering the questions. And, come on, there has got to be a studio somewhere in Lansing. A skype connection for an interview? Low rent!
I'd expect more to come in the days and weeks ahead.
This morning has been an interesting one. One of my favorite CNBC hosts, Rick Santelli, (the others being Charlie Gasparino, Larry Kudlow and Dillon Radigan) went off on a tangent this morning live from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade. It was epic. The traders actually stopped trading to applaud him and offer their own thoughts. Santelli went further, urging a tea party in Chicago. Gotta love Rick!
The other interesting story came today from the East Valley Tribune in sunny Mesa, Ariz. Seems that Dobson High Advanced Placement students in Arizona are not necessarily fans of the Obamanation. It is reported that one student, Senior Brandon Miller, wore a shirt with the words, "Hitler gave great speeches, too" above a picture of Obama. Wow, rough crowd.
I guess even high school students aren’t fond of “sharing the wealth.”
The other interesting story came today from the East Valley Tribune in sunny Mesa, Ariz. Seems that Dobson High Advanced Placement students in Arizona are not necessarily fans of the Obamanation. It is reported that one student, Senior Brandon Miller, wore a shirt with the words, "Hitler gave great speeches, too" above a picture of Obama. Wow, rough crowd.
I guess even high school students aren’t fond of “sharing the wealth.”
Wow...so I knew it was going to be bad, but whoa...drunken sailors watch out, Barry's got his tax-payer secured credit card out and he is not afraid to use it.
So, just Tuesday, Barry – who apparently was not told the election was over and made a campaign stop in Colorado, signed his $1.2 trillion “economic pork” bill yesterday. Not content to stop the spending there, today he rolled out some “Homeowner Affordability and Stability Act.” Well kinda. You see, they don't really have the plan developed, but he needed something to talk about at today's campaign stop in Arizona, so why not toss it out there and see if it sticks.
Think I am exaggerating? Check out the web site they built for it: http://www.blogger.com/www.financialstability.gov. Heck, maybe Barry should have earmarked some stimulus money for Web designers at the White House! That thing is a time capsule that harkens back to the early days of the Web.
Want the full text of the bill? Well, you see, there is no bill. I talked to the Treasury myself today about it. Looks like March 4 is the magic day when all the details will be fleshed out. But here is the gist:
If you want to refi, but your loan exceeds 80% of the home's value, you can refinance. But, that is only if your loan was held or secured by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Confused yet? It gets better. Nobody knows yet what the PMI structure is, or who is providing the PMI. Also, do you have a second mortgage? Good luck getting that second lien holder to subordinate to allow you to refi the first...it just ain't going to happen.
But what if you are already behind? It will provide guidelines to lenders to modify your loan. There are other kickers in here too. Like if you pay your modified loan on time for 5 years, they will knock $5,000 off the principle balance. See, and silly me, I thought we all were supposed to be paying our mortgages monthly. What are the chances of me getting in on that $5K? And, if you tell your lender you are in trouble before you miss a payment, you may be eligible for a $1,500 principle reduction. Then, if all else fails and you enter bankruptcy, a judge can cram down the principle balance to the fair market value of your home.
There are other details, but I want to keep this light reading. Let me distill this for you. Have you been making your payments on time? Congrats, you get to pay for every schlub that over spent and over leveraged himself.
Isn't socialism grand?
Posted on 2/18/2009 10:30:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
homeowner affordability and stability act,
housing stimulus,
So, just Tuesday, Barry – who apparently was not told the election was over and made a campaign stop in Colorado, signed his $1.2 trillion “economic pork” bill yesterday. Not content to stop the spending there, today he rolled out some “Homeowner Affordability and Stability Act.” Well kinda. You see, they don't really have the plan developed, but he needed something to talk about at today's campaign stop in Arizona, so why not toss it out there and see if it sticks.
Think I am exaggerating? Check out the web site they built for it: http://www.blogger.com/www.financialstability.gov. Heck, maybe Barry should have earmarked some stimulus money for Web designers at the White House! That thing is a time capsule that harkens back to the early days of the Web.
Want the full text of the bill? Well, you see, there is no bill. I talked to the Treasury myself today about it. Looks like March 4 is the magic day when all the details will be fleshed out. But here is the gist:
If you want to refi, but your loan exceeds 80% of the home's value, you can refinance. But, that is only if your loan was held or secured by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Confused yet? It gets better. Nobody knows yet what the PMI structure is, or who is providing the PMI. Also, do you have a second mortgage? Good luck getting that second lien holder to subordinate to allow you to refi the first...it just ain't going to happen.
But what if you are already behind? It will provide guidelines to lenders to modify your loan. There are other kickers in here too. Like if you pay your modified loan on time for 5 years, they will knock $5,000 off the principle balance. See, and silly me, I thought we all were supposed to be paying our mortgages monthly. What are the chances of me getting in on that $5K? And, if you tell your lender you are in trouble before you miss a payment, you may be eligible for a $1,500 principle reduction. Then, if all else fails and you enter bankruptcy, a judge can cram down the principle balance to the fair market value of your home.
There are other details, but I want to keep this light reading. Let me distill this for you. Have you been making your payments on time? Congrats, you get to pay for every schlub that over spent and over leveraged himself.
Isn't socialism grand?
Here is an interesting concept, run your business well, and reward your workers. That is the tact that Leonard Abess Jr. recently took. Abess, the former owner of Miami-based National Bancshares, recently sold a majority of his company, and did something amazing…he did the right thing by his employees.
He took $60 million of his own proceeds and gave it as bonuses to his 399 employees and 70+ other former employees that he tracked down. What’s more, this guy gets it, look at this quote:
That’s right, it is the bees that build the hive, not the Queen (or in our case, our King). Now, I know you are all thinking, aren’t you the one always rambling about the new culture of wealth sharing. Nope. I am the one railing on big government dictating how the free market operates.
Mr. Abess is as far from a socialist as you can get. He recognized who deserved to be compensated and did so of his own free will. That is capitalism at its finest.
Bravo to you, Mr. Abess.
He took $60 million of his own proceeds and gave it as bonuses to his 399 employees and 70+ other former employees that he tracked down. What’s more, this guy gets it, look at this quote:
''I saw that if the president doesn't come to work, it's not a big deal. But if the tellers don't show up, it's a serious problem.''
That’s right, it is the bees that build the hive, not the Queen (or in our case, our King). Now, I know you are all thinking, aren’t you the one always rambling about the new culture of wealth sharing. Nope. I am the one railing on big government dictating how the free market operates.
Mr. Abess is as far from a socialist as you can get. He recognized who deserved to be compensated and did so of his own free will. That is capitalism at its finest.
Bravo to you, Mr. Abess.
Posted on 2/13/2009 10:21:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
Nancy Pelosi,
So, what's a teeny-tiny trillion dollars in comparison to a Nancy Pelosi vacation? If you ask this blogger, it is a drop in the bucket. I'll gladly allow the country to shell out a “trill” to get her out of here, so long as she is no longer allowed to return.
So what am I talking about? Well, the House Dems were running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to rush a vote. Why is this, because the plan is so brilliant and needs immediate approval? Hardly. It is because the speaker of the House (and boy does she love to hear herself speak) had to jet off for Europe.

Wait, is that a Democrat putting their personal wants over that of the betterment of the country? Naw, never. What's even funnier is that no House Republicans voted for this ill-fated bill, and 7 Democrats defected as well. How could anyone have voted for it? Do they know what was in it? The final text of the bill was made available to Congress members at 11 p.m., only to have a rushed vote at lunch time today. NICE. Talk about blind, ignorant faith. Heck, if the king likes it, that's good enough for the Democrats!
So...will the Senate Republicans have the same resolve of their House brethren? I doubt it, too many liberals posing as Republicans there...and yes, I mean you Arlen “I wish I was still a Democrat” Specter.
So what am I talking about? Well, the House Dems were running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to rush a vote. Why is this, because the plan is so brilliant and needs immediate approval? Hardly. It is because the speaker of the House (and boy does she love to hear herself speak) had to jet off for Europe.
Wait, is that a Democrat putting their personal wants over that of the betterment of the country? Naw, never. What's even funnier is that no House Republicans voted for this ill-fated bill, and 7 Democrats defected as well. How could anyone have voted for it? Do they know what was in it? The final text of the bill was made available to Congress members at 11 p.m., only to have a rushed vote at lunch time today. NICE. Talk about blind, ignorant faith. Heck, if the king likes it, that's good enough for the Democrats!
So...will the Senate Republicans have the same resolve of their House brethren? I doubt it, too many liberals posing as Republicans there...and yes, I mean you Arlen “I wish I was still a Democrat” Specter.
I just read an AP article that the FTSE and other large world stock indexes took a dump today, based on fear over the wasteful spending disguised as stimulus.
How dare they! How long until they learn what all us Americans have been taught: Obama is beyond reproach and is not to be questioned.
Or, maybe the world is seeing that the Emporer has no clothes...
How dare they! How long until they learn what all us Americans have been taught: Obama is beyond reproach and is not to be questioned.
Or, maybe the world is seeing that the Emporer has no clothes...
Really? So we are back to government by appeasement? First it was letters to Iran, now we are willing to let an industry collapse because we don't want to offend the EU or the WTO? Give me a break.
Perhaps this is one reason Ron Paul captured my attention, albeit briefly, this last election cycle. His views on protectionism and jingoism are the breath of fresh air that we need. People ramble on and on about the global economy, well, how well has that served us??
Posted on 2/12/2009 11:30:00 AM by News Blogger and filed under
American made,
Obama met with the Detroit News recently and in a report is quoted as saying the following regarding “Buy American” tax cuts to bolster US-made auto sales:He raised some red flags against protectionist sentiments, which can "worsen the economic prospects for all countries. You start getting into a downward protectionist spiral that is very dangerous."
Really? So we are back to government by appeasement? First it was letters to Iran, now we are willing to let an industry collapse because we don't want to offend the EU or the WTO? Give me a break.
Perhaps this is one reason Ron Paul captured my attention, albeit briefly, this last election cycle. His views on protectionism and jingoism are the breath of fresh air that we need. People ramble on and on about the global economy, well, how well has that served us??
Well, the anointed one recently took a trip to Fort Meyers, Fla., to host a town hall meeting. Now, you know the types that show up for these gigs. It was definitely an interesting crowd, but those are the uninformed that also made him our monarch. Anyhoo, while there, the questions he received show the utter confusion among his electorate. One gentleman asked why unemployment benefits could not cover 100% percent of a person's former salary (ummm...I assume his previous gig was not in finance), another fool was acting spastic and when called on complained about having to work at McDonalds and not being able to find another job. Well buddy, if you are as annoying in person as you acted in the audience, perhaps it is your personality that has precluded you from landing more lucrative employment.
But the kicker came from a woman who said she was living out of a car and wanted Barry's help securing a new car and a house with a kitchen and bathroom. The King proclaimed that she should see his staff afterwards and they will see what they can do. But, it looks like her begging, shameless at that, paid off. Her state rep has offered the free use of his house to her until she gets back on her feet. On top of that, Ellen DeGeneres is said to be interested in her plight as well. I'm sure they are on the phone now trying to find someone to give them a free house, so they can take all the credit for the give away.
What's worse, we have this douche bag (click link) comparing her to Rosa Parks. Really? Come on now, are we so far removed from Rosa Parks that we now compare her acts to that of a woman who overextended herself and as a result of her own poor financial planning is forced to live in her car? At least we do have one thing in common. The reporter claims tears started flowing as she heard this woman speak. I had the same reaction, but mine was because I see our country sinking so low. This savior-based government has to stop.
Lord, please send us another Reagan!
Posted on 2/12/2009 10:59:00 AM by News Blogger and filed under
government aid,
But the kicker came from a woman who said she was living out of a car and wanted Barry's help securing a new car and a house with a kitchen and bathroom. The King proclaimed that she should see his staff afterwards and they will see what they can do. But, it looks like her begging, shameless at that, paid off. Her state rep has offered the free use of his house to her until she gets back on her feet. On top of that, Ellen DeGeneres is said to be interested in her plight as well. I'm sure they are on the phone now trying to find someone to give them a free house, so they can take all the credit for the give away.
What's worse, we have this douche bag (click link) comparing her to Rosa Parks. Really? Come on now, are we so far removed from Rosa Parks that we now compare her acts to that of a woman who overextended herself and as a result of her own poor financial planning is forced to live in her car? At least we do have one thing in common. The reporter claims tears started flowing as she heard this woman speak. I had the same reaction, but mine was because I see our country sinking so low. This savior-based government has to stop.
Lord, please send us another Reagan!
“Errr...ummm...errrr...um, ya know, ummm...errrr...Iran has not been helpful in promoting...errr...ummm...peace.” Really, Barry? You think they haven't been helpful? Which was it, the nuclear aspirations, the the funding terrorists, the sabre-rattling? What would we have ever done without someone so unabashedly declassifying such sensitive information?
I also liked his bold statement that the credit crisis is real. Really, economist Obama? You mean those foreclosures aren't a problem? Securities are not getting written down as a result of foreclosures? Other securities aren't getting written down due to foolish mark-to-market SEC rules? Thanks Barry, enlightening.
Other highlights:
Michael Fletcher of the Washington Post stood up and dutifully performed his duty of asking the questions us Americans really care about. “Mr. President: I am trying my darndest to get fired, so I am going to ask you the most asinine, insignificant question of the night. What do you think of the Alex Rodriguez's admission of steroid use?” The response was equally bemusing. Barry said: “Look at me, I look like an emaciated 12 year old orphan, what do I know about steroids?”
Helen Thomas stood up, I think. At this point, 180 year old Helen is standing on two willow branches at best. While I am thinking about it, am I the only one that wishes that old bag would finish shriveling up into a prune and go away? Anyhoo, she asked a question about Pakistan and used the phrase “so-called terrorists.” Really Helen, so called? Let me remind you of the term so-called. So-called refers oftentimes to something addressed in a manner in which it never was or was only previously. You know, like how you used to be a reporter, but are now just an old has-been – a shriveled statue of a previously mediocre reporter.
Obama constantly reminded us that the nation debt increased under the Bush administration as a way to deflect attention away from the fact that his bill is worthless. Apparently, he was never taught that two wrongs don't make a right. But two lefts do make higher taxes (haha).
And finally, he kept mentioning that he invited Republicans to the White House to discuss the stimulus bill. He failed to mention that in those meetings he never adopted any of the Republican ideas, and instead uttered his favorite phrase: “I won.” I'm keeping track now as to how many times he is reported saying that – the tally stands at 4.
Anyway, I can't wait for the next...errr...umm..ah..let me...err..press conference. It is interesting seeing the media's rose-colored glasses starting to come off.
Posted on 2/09/2009 10:07:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
Press conference,
Anyone catch ole' Barry's presser today? You know, the one where he tried his best to hard sell the American people on his enormous waste of taxpayer money...err, I mean the economic pork bill. Someone please get him the media Q&A questions in advance, PLEASE!! Listening to him unscripted and off the prompter is painful. And by painful, I mean like I want to poke out my eardrums painful.“Errr...ummm...errrr...um, ya know, ummm...errrr...Iran has not been helpful in promoting...errr...ummm...peace.” Really, Barry? You think they haven't been helpful? Which was it, the nuclear aspirations, the the funding terrorists, the sabre-rattling? What would we have ever done without someone so unabashedly declassifying such sensitive information?
I also liked his bold statement that the credit crisis is real. Really, economist Obama? You mean those foreclosures aren't a problem? Securities are not getting written down as a result of foreclosures? Other securities aren't getting written down due to foolish mark-to-market SEC rules? Thanks Barry, enlightening.
Other highlights:
Michael Fletcher of the Washington Post stood up and dutifully performed his duty of asking the questions us Americans really care about. “Mr. President: I am trying my darndest to get fired, so I am going to ask you the most asinine, insignificant question of the night. What do you think of the Alex Rodriguez's admission of steroid use?” The response was equally bemusing. Barry said: “Look at me, I look like an emaciated 12 year old orphan, what do I know about steroids?”
Obama constantly reminded us that the nation debt increased under the Bush administration as a way to deflect attention away from the fact that his bill is worthless. Apparently, he was never taught that two wrongs don't make a right. But two lefts do make higher taxes (haha).
And finally, he kept mentioning that he invited Republicans to the White House to discuss the stimulus bill. He failed to mention that in those meetings he never adopted any of the Republican ideas, and instead uttered his favorite phrase: “I won.” I'm keeping track now as to how many times he is reported saying that – the tally stands at 4.
Anyway, I can't wait for the next...errr...umm..ah..let me...err..press conference. It is interesting seeing the media's rose-colored glasses starting to come off.
In 2000, I watched a debate between Alan Keyes and Alan Dershowitz asking if organized religion holds the answers to the problems of the 21st century?"
I have to admit, I am a fan of Alan Keyes. The man is brilliant, well spoken and, to at least this blogger, the type of President this country dearly needs. His morals and ideals are impressive.
This is a series of 12 videos, running about an hour and a half, but defnintely worth a watch. the first of the videos is below. The rest can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/b3n3qz
I have to admit, I am a fan of Alan Keyes. The man is brilliant, well spoken and, to at least this blogger, the type of President this country dearly needs. His morals and ideals are impressive.
This is a series of 12 videos, running about an hour and a half, but defnintely worth a watch. the first of the videos is below. The rest can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/b3n3qz
Following the warm reception Obama's letter received from Iran la couple of weeks ago, the administration continued to beg for friendship from the terrorist nation. Today, Beavis – of Beavis and Butthead fame – took to the stage to again urge Iran friendship. What are these clowns doing?
Our position of ignoring Ahmadinejad and his Member's Only jacket seemed to be working. By continually opening the door, you are only providing legitimacy to his inane mumblings. The man is a publicity whore, and says foolish things for the sake of attention. It had to be killing Ahmadinejad to be spitting into the wind with his foolishness toward America. But, the winds of “change” blew, the wind is now at his back, and that spit now rests squarely on Obama's lapel.
You see, the problem with negotiating with insane people, such as Ahmadinejad is that they are – well, how do I put it – insane. Write all the letters that you want, give feel good speeches, but at the end of the day, you are just wasting you time – time that is better spent on raising taxes and wasting so-called stimulus bills. On second thought, Prez, do you need me to send you some ink pens?
Posted on 2/07/2009 10:55:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
foreign relations,
Our position of ignoring Ahmadinejad and his Member's Only jacket seemed to be working. By continually opening the door, you are only providing legitimacy to his inane mumblings. The man is a publicity whore, and says foolish things for the sake of attention. It had to be killing Ahmadinejad to be spitting into the wind with his foolishness toward America. But, the winds of “change” blew, the wind is now at his back, and that spit now rests squarely on Obama's lapel.
You see, the problem with negotiating with insane people, such as Ahmadinejad is that they are – well, how do I put it – insane. Write all the letters that you want, give feel good speeches, but at the end of the day, you are just wasting you time – time that is better spent on raising taxes and wasting so-called stimulus bills. On second thought, Prez, do you need me to send you some ink pens?
Fresh off their whooping, new RNC chairman Michael Steele has decided to clean house. EVERYONE has been asked to turn in their resignations. Some will be offered the opportunity to interview for their old jobs, and in some cases demoted positions. While not a fan of adding to the unemployment lines, I welcome the new blood --- assuming it turns out to be the right kind of “change!”
Republicans need to quit trying to appease everyone, and stick to their conservative roots. And for goodness sakes, get rid of these bend-over Republicans like Arlen “I wish I was still a Democrat” Specter.
Here's to getting this ship righted, getting back to conservatism and stopping the tendency of nominating douche bags as candidates!
Republicans need to quit trying to appease everyone, and stick to their conservative roots. And for goodness sakes, get rid of these bend-over Republicans like Arlen “I wish I was still a Democrat” Specter.
Here's to getting this ship righted, getting back to conservatism and stopping the tendency of nominating douche bags as candidates!
The apologist strikes again. As part of his spree of Executive Orders, Obama has apparently dropped the charges against the mastermind behind the USS Cole bombing. While he reserved the rights to recharge the terrorist, it only drags out the process of bringing some semblance of closure to the families of the 17 sailors who lost their lives. Why is Barry so hell-bent on harboring terrorists?
May we never forget the 17 sailors that lost their lives on the USS Cole in their service for this great country.
May we never forget the 17 sailors that lost their lives on the USS Cole in their service for this great country.
While I am not opposed to her serving time for her actions, it seems her “john,” or Tom in this case, should also serve his share as well. Last I checked, prostitution is still not legal here. Perhaps authorities went easy on him considering that he is married to Deb-Deb, who I cannot imagine is the most affable or amorous woman on the planet.
Posted on 2/06/2009 02:04:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
self interest,
UPDATE TO AN EARLIER ITEM:Well, it looks like Tom Athans, the husband of one of the most inept Senators in the land, Debbie Stabenow, has officially weaseled his way out of any charges for hooking-up with a prostitute. The girl, Alycia Martin, however was not so lucky. She will be tossed in jail for 5 days for her crime.
While I am not opposed to her serving time for her actions, it seems her “john,” or Tom in this case, should also serve his share as well. Last I checked, prostitution is still not legal here. Perhaps authorities went easy on him considering that he is married to Deb-Deb, who I cannot imagine is the most affable or amorous woman on the planet.
Apparently Barry-O isn't as concerned about the responsible use of taxpayer money, at least not when it interferes with his parties. This guy is without a doubt the Paris Hilton of presidents.
His latest shenanigans have him in Williamsburg, Va., where the Democrat members of the House were meeting. Now, since they all have offices in Washington, D.C., and we have all paid for numerous well-appointed meeting spaces there, why spend money meeting in Virginia? I know, I know, some apologist will point out that this meeting was likely bankrolled by rich Democrat supporters (who given recent track records likely have evaded taxes). However, the Prez got there on Marine One and according to at least one article, Air Force One. That seems like a major waste of money to me.
These banks need to stop wasting all this TARP money, Barry has some parties he needs to throw!
His latest shenanigans have him in Williamsburg, Va., where the Democrat members of the House were meeting. Now, since they all have offices in Washington, D.C., and we have all paid for numerous well-appointed meeting spaces there, why spend money meeting in Virginia? I know, I know, some apologist will point out that this meeting was likely bankrolled by rich Democrat supporters (who given recent track records likely have evaded taxes). However, the Prez got there on Marine One and according to at least one article, Air Force One. That seems like a major waste of money to me.
These banks need to stop wasting all this TARP money, Barry has some parties he needs to throw!
Now that her son...errr, husband...has been grounded for picking up prostitutes, Debbie Stabenow has found time to look into socializing talk radio. According to a Politico article this morning, the good senator is pressing for “fairness” in radio. Great, now the government is going to dictate what we hear on the radio? Is that because we are all too stupid to judge fact for ourselves or because they want more propaganda out there? Move over China, we are going to blow right past you on the road to communism.
Can someone explain why we have all been forced into this hand-basket and it is getting so darn hot?!?!?
Posted on 2/06/2009 09:16:00 AM by News Blogger and filed under
fairness doctrine,
Now, what Deb-Deb neglected to say was that her husband (or is it her son, I forget, he is like 40 years her junior) Tom Athans is an executive at a liberal radio network. Coincidence? Is anything a coincidence these days, or has this country been handed over to a bunch of self-serving liberals that could care less about you and me, and more about passing their radical agenda with no regard for the financial or moral cost? I think we all know I suppose it to be the latter.
Can someone explain why we have all been forced into this hand-basket and it is getting so darn hot?!?!?
Our newly elected president, so distraught over the misuse of TARP funds, yesterday instituted an executive pay cap. This concern for taxpayer money, however, has its limits – and apparently the line is drawn short of the Super Bowl.
That's right, and according to Fred Upton (R, 6th District) it is one heck of a party. He told the Shrew (Mitch Albom for those not from Detroit) on Monday's radio show that Barry had quite a spread going at his latest party. And, funded by you and me. Strangely, my invitation to the party was lost in the mail. Luckily, those who dutifully represent us were more than happy to go in our stead.
If I hear the king proclaim to be a champion of the people one more time during the day, while tossing taxpayer funded parties at night, I very well may throw up.
P.S. - Hey Fred – glad you feel important for being invited, but you should have declined.
Posted on 2/05/2009 11:14:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
super bowl,
white house
That's right, and according to Fred Upton (R, 6th District) it is one heck of a party. He told the Shrew (Mitch Albom for those not from Detroit) on Monday's radio show that Barry had quite a spread going at his latest party. And, funded by you and me. Strangely, my invitation to the party was lost in the mail. Luckily, those who dutifully represent us were more than happy to go in our stead.
If I hear the king proclaim to be a champion of the people one more time during the day, while tossing taxpayer funded parties at night, I very well may throw up.
P.S. - Hey Fred – glad you feel important for being invited, but you should have declined.
Not a week has passed since the latest holier-than-thou rant over the TARP-funded bonuses going to Wall Street Execs, Obama showed the world how to party with taxpayer money -- AIG style. Michelle, fire up the grill, we have us some company coming over.
Fresh off his $150M coronation, King Barack saw he had no support from Republicans for his pork-laden “stimulus” bill. So he did as any American would and held himself a little BBQ dinner party. You think they served burgers? Heck no, taxpayers were footing the bill for this shindog, so they splurged (oddly enough, not on pork though -- guess it wasn't a theme party). Along with the usual highfalutin hours dourves, they grilled up some Waygu steaks.
Never heard of Waygu beef? Join the crowd. I actually learned of it on Iron Chef – it is a rare, and expensive form of Kobe beef. A single 16 ounce steak often costs in the neighborhood of $120. At that price, the guests best have hit the heights of ecstasy on every bite. To top off party, vodka tonics, the choice of drink of our new king, were also served.
Dear Wall Street, how dare you spend taxpayer money on…umm….hmmm….excuse…me….I was choking on my $35 bite of steak.
And so it goes in our Union. Just think, for the price of a single steak, he could have kept his promise to this woman to pay for her gas….
Until we meet again.
Posted on 2/03/2009 10:41:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
white house
It is only my first blog post and my headline writer (me) already needs a raise. Can’t beat that for a first day.Not a week has passed since the latest holier-than-thou rant over the TARP-funded bonuses going to Wall Street Execs, Obama showed the world how to party with taxpayer money -- AIG style. Michelle, fire up the grill, we have us some company coming over.
Fresh off his $150M coronation, King Barack saw he had no support from Republicans for his pork-laden “stimulus” bill. So he did as any American would and held himself a little BBQ dinner party. You think they served burgers? Heck no, taxpayers were footing the bill for this shindog, so they splurged (oddly enough, not on pork though -- guess it wasn't a theme party). Along with the usual highfalutin hours dourves, they grilled up some Waygu steaks.
Never heard of Waygu beef? Join the crowd. I actually learned of it on Iron Chef – it is a rare, and expensive form of Kobe beef. A single 16 ounce steak often costs in the neighborhood of $120. At that price, the guests best have hit the heights of ecstasy on every bite. To top off party, vodka tonics, the choice of drink of our new king, were also served.
Dear Wall Street, how dare you spend taxpayer money on…umm….hmmm….excuse…me….I was choking on my $35 bite of steak.
And so it goes in our Union. Just think, for the price of a single steak, he could have kept his promise to this woman to pay for her gas….
Until we meet again.