Really? So we are back to government by appeasement? First it was letters to Iran, now we are willing to let an industry collapse because we don't want to offend the EU or the WTO? Give me a break.
Perhaps this is one reason Ron Paul captured my attention, albeit briefly, this last election cycle. His views on protectionism and jingoism are the breath of fresh air that we need. People ramble on and on about the global economy, well, how well has that served us??
Posted on 2/12/2009 11:30:00 AM by News Blogger and filed under
American made,
Obama met with the Detroit News recently and in a report is quoted as saying the following regarding “Buy American” tax cuts to bolster US-made auto sales:He raised some red flags against protectionist sentiments, which can "worsen the economic prospects for all countries. You start getting into a downward protectionist spiral that is very dangerous."
Really? So we are back to government by appeasement? First it was letters to Iran, now we are willing to let an industry collapse because we don't want to offend the EU or the WTO? Give me a break.
Perhaps this is one reason Ron Paul captured my attention, albeit briefly, this last election cycle. His views on protectionism and jingoism are the breath of fresh air that we need. People ramble on and on about the global economy, well, how well has that served us??
I applaud anyone who can work "jingoism" into a conversation. A truly delcious and underused word.
Great post. Where do you get the ideas and inspiration?
I think we re-evaluate all our trade and aid relationships. EU probably still makes sense, but the Middle East and Asia need long looks. Reworking NAFTA should be on the docket as well.
Using 50-cent words is a gift!!
As for my inspiration, I received this tip from a good source. I was surprised, as the items he generally sends me are not fit for this blog...or any blog for that matter.
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