“Errr...ummm...errrr...um, ya know, ummm...errrr...Iran has not been helpful in promoting...errr...ummm...peace.” Really, Barry? You think they haven't been helpful? Which was it, the nuclear aspirations, the the funding terrorists, the sabre-rattling? What would we have ever done without someone so unabashedly declassifying such sensitive information?
I also liked his bold statement that the credit crisis is real. Really, economist Obama? You mean those foreclosures aren't a problem? Securities are not getting written down as a result of foreclosures? Other securities aren't getting written down due to foolish mark-to-market SEC rules? Thanks Barry, enlightening.
Other highlights:
Michael Fletcher of the Washington Post stood up and dutifully performed his duty of asking the questions us Americans really care about. “Mr. President: I am trying my darndest to get fired, so I am going to ask you the most asinine, insignificant question of the night. What do you think of the Alex Rodriguez's admission of steroid use?” The response was equally bemusing. Barry said: “Look at me, I look like an emaciated 12 year old orphan, what do I know about steroids?”
Helen Thomas stood up, I think. At this point, 180 year old Helen is standing on two willow branches at best. While I am thinking about it, am I the only one that wishes that old bag would finish shriveling up into a prune and go away? Anyhoo, she asked a question about Pakistan and used the phrase “so-called terrorists.” Really Helen, so called? Let me remind you of the term so-called. So-called refers oftentimes to something addressed in a manner in which it never was or was only previously. You know, like how you used to be a reporter, but are now just an old has-been – a shriveled statue of a previously mediocre reporter.
Obama constantly reminded us that the nation debt increased under the Bush administration as a way to deflect attention away from the fact that his bill is worthless. Apparently, he was never taught that two wrongs don't make a right. But two lefts do make higher taxes (haha).
And finally, he kept mentioning that he invited Republicans to the White House to discuss the stimulus bill. He failed to mention that in those meetings he never adopted any of the Republican ideas, and instead uttered his favorite phrase: “I won.” I'm keeping track now as to how many times he is reported saying that – the tally stands at 4.
Anyway, I can't wait for the next...errr...umm..ah..let me...err..press conference. It is interesting seeing the media's rose-colored glasses starting to come off.
Posted on 2/09/2009 10:07:00 PM by News Blogger and filed under
Press conference,
Anyone catch ole' Barry's presser today? You know, the one where he tried his best to hard sell the American people on his enormous waste of taxpayer money...err, I mean the economic pork bill. Someone please get him the media Q&A questions in advance, PLEASE!! Listening to him unscripted and off the prompter is painful. And by painful, I mean like I want to poke out my eardrums painful.“Errr...ummm...errrr...um, ya know, ummm...errrr...Iran has not been helpful in promoting...errr...ummm...peace.” Really, Barry? You think they haven't been helpful? Which was it, the nuclear aspirations, the the funding terrorists, the sabre-rattling? What would we have ever done without someone so unabashedly declassifying such sensitive information?
I also liked his bold statement that the credit crisis is real. Really, economist Obama? You mean those foreclosures aren't a problem? Securities are not getting written down as a result of foreclosures? Other securities aren't getting written down due to foolish mark-to-market SEC rules? Thanks Barry, enlightening.
Other highlights:
Michael Fletcher of the Washington Post stood up and dutifully performed his duty of asking the questions us Americans really care about. “Mr. President: I am trying my darndest to get fired, so I am going to ask you the most asinine, insignificant question of the night. What do you think of the Alex Rodriguez's admission of steroid use?” The response was equally bemusing. Barry said: “Look at me, I look like an emaciated 12 year old orphan, what do I know about steroids?”
Obama constantly reminded us that the nation debt increased under the Bush administration as a way to deflect attention away from the fact that his bill is worthless. Apparently, he was never taught that two wrongs don't make a right. But two lefts do make higher taxes (haha).
And finally, he kept mentioning that he invited Republicans to the White House to discuss the stimulus bill. He failed to mention that in those meetings he never adopted any of the Republican ideas, and instead uttered his favorite phrase: “I won.” I'm keeping track now as to how many times he is reported saying that – the tally stands at 4.
Anyway, I can't wait for the next...errr...umm..ah..let me...err..press conference. It is interesting seeing the media's rose-colored glasses starting to come off.
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